Hello!! I have been encouraged by my blogging friends to "just jump in with both feet", "just do it", and to "start blogging already!!" So here I am. Welcome to my first blog post.
It's astonishingly bland at the moment, but I promise to tweak and refine it as we go. Technical, I am not. Pretty sure the learning curve will be more of a big, fat uphill climb. Honestly though, if I waited to create exactly what I want I would be posting this in another 6 months...or more...who am I kidding? Instead, I will let you in on the process...or drama. We'll see how it unfolds!
Come along for the ride as I demystify colour and address your design dilemmas. I want to show how crucial colour is to everything we see, do and feel. In fact, we can't live without it. To do that I will be sharing my tips and tricks with you. I will also be inviting experts from a variety of fields to comment on colour, design, and all things beautiful or interesting...and much, much more. I can hardly wait!
I am so eager to hear your questions and comments. Thank you, in advance, for tuning in. It will be a colourful, fun and enlightening journey.
Keep "seeing in colour" everyone!
Speak soon!
Quick Takes With: Alice Saunders
12 hours ago